book reviews, tales, self-musings, and other randomness

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Currently Reading: A Darker Shade of Magic

I decided to make a post about a book that I am currently reading. It is book that is receiving so much rave and fame in bookish communities, such as in Goodreads, Instagram (Bookstagram) and BookTube. Currently, I am reading a Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab; it is the first novel of the Shades of Magic series. Recently, the third book to the series was just released this past week, thus stirring the bookish communities into a total frenzy (but in a good way).

A brief synopsis of the book, it is a fantasy novel centered on both good and dark forces of magic, sinister magicians, as well as a cursed and forbidden item. In the book, there are four parallel worlds with four parallel Londons; each London has a different history, time period, language, society, and rulers. Only Antaris, which are powerful and rare magicians that are becoming a scarce breed and who are born with magic in their blood, can travel to and fro from these different worlds. Unfortunately, there are only two surviving Antaris: Kell, who is the protagonist in the story and is from Red London, and Holland, who is from White London.

As mentioned previously, there are four different kinds of Londons. Red London, is a prominent place filled with so much magic, and holds the reputation of being the most powerful London out of all. Then there is Grey London, which is like today’s London, but it takes place when King George III was ruler; it is an ordinary place where magic is scarce. Meanwhile, White London is a land where its people are desperate and fighting to attain or save any magic that is left; the magic and resources are dwindling. Lastly, there is Black London—it is a destroyed world filled with greed for magic.

So far, it is taking awhile for the plot to build up and develop—but it has been an interesting read, thus far. I admire the author’s creativity and her unique imagination that is being demonstrated throughout this book, and surely throughout the rest of her two books in the series as well. Besides, it is always fun to read about magic.

x, Kayla

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