book reviews, tales, self-musings, and other randomness

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Book Updates + Little Free Library

Before I knew it, spring was here! Its arrival was a tad chilly, but nonetheless, I greeted spring with welcome arms. The semester is halfway over for me—although I am excited to finish this term, I am also beyond inundated with work. It’s time for the grind!

Due to my busy and hectic schedule, I haven’t had time to read much lately. I thought I should take the time to share with my readers on my reading updates! Yesterday, I FINALLY finished A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab. I won’t be doing a specific book review about it because everyone in the bookish community is talking about it. I loved the book and I cannot wait to read more of the book series, but as I expressed in my Goodreads book review, it took awhile for the book to reach its peak or climax. Even though it was a bit slow, towards the end, I was consumed with so much anxiety, excitement, anticipation, and so much more. Schwab is an excellent writer and I encourage many others to read the book if they haven’t yet already.

Currently, I am reading a book of short stories by Shirley Jackson called Dark Tales. Some may remember her as the author of The Lottery, which was read in many schools within the United States and abroad, but Jackson was truly a successful writer 50-60 years ago. I strongly feel that she is greatly under-appreciated and underrated as talented female writer. My goal is to read more books by her and to also revive her name in mainstream culture and in the bookish community. I am really enjoying these dark and terrifying tales—I hope to finish it soon and give a full book review on it.

Also, I have some good news! As some of you may already know, I am starting a Little Free Library in my college community. It is a book exchange movement that is shaped as a birdhouse, in which will be filled with books, in order to promote literacy in the area and to unify the local community. The main concept of this book exchange movement is to take a book, share a book and exchange a book. This will also create a free-learning environment and will hopefully inspire others to read, and to allow bookworms to share their favorite pieces of literature with community members. Well the good news is that I will be sharing and discussing my journey of implementing a book exchange at an English conference in late April. I am nervous in presenting my project to students and professors from different schools, but I hope to encourage many to start their own book exchange movement in their own community to promote the importance of reading. So, wish me luck! I will also keep updates on my progress, in regards to the Little Free Library, if anything new comes up.

Anyway, I shall get back to my studying and writing academic papers!

x, Kayla

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