book reviews, tales, self-musings, and other randomness

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One Final Down, 2 More to Go

I conquered my first final of the week! I survived, I made it through and tolerated the painful throbbing of my right hand, throughout the duration of the 2 hour exam. The final consisted of choosing 4 terms, in which students had to write a paragraph for each one--in addition to that, students were required to write 2 essays. It may not sound a lot, but it was a lot to write!

Anyway, since the toughest part is finally over, I can now have some free-time to actually read. Although I procrastinated extensively throughout this past weekend, I believe that I will finish Heartless and Rebecca by the end of this week; I hope to write a review about them before I head off to my holiday road trip.

But the great thing is that the semester is nearly over, which means that I will have the time to actually READ! I already purchased books yesterday night and I am so anxious and excited to start reading them, as well as blog about them.

For tonight, I will enjoy the company of my greatest comfort, books--with a nice cup of hot chocolate. This is a perfect way to end a brutal day.

x, Kayla

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