book reviews, tales, self-musings, and other randomness

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December Update

Being that I am a fulltime college student, I rarely have any time to spare on anything that is “recreational.” Since finals is only just a few short days from approaching, I thought it would be best to also keep an update on my current reads. The progress to finishing them is very slow, mainly because majority of my time is spent reading textbooks or studying for exams—the opposite of “fun reading.” Luckily, Winter Break will start next week, which means that I will finally have a lot of time to dedicate myself to leisure reading.

So here are the two books that I am currently reading:

Rebecca by Daphne Maurier
Heartless by Marissa Meyer

My goal is to hopefully finish them soon, so I can discuss and review it! I do not think I will be able to get them finished by next week, but I am going to aim high.

Additionally, I thought I would also take the time to update on my progress in installing a Little Free Library. With a mixture of patience and persistence, I finally was able to receive my check, from Rotary Club, to purchase the book-swap. There has been a lack of communication coming from the other side, in which has led to severe slow progression in buying and installing the book exchange. I received my check right around Thanksgiving, in which Rotary approved to fund $450 instead of my initial asking price of $530. I am still content and very grateful that the club saw the great potential in this project of mine. Currently, I am waiting for the little library to arrive - once it gets here, I just need to find a permanent location for it. Ideas for its location has still yet to be finalized, but I am hoping to get approval from the borough to install it in front of the Post Office, because it's right in the center of town and there's such an array of people that come into the Main Street area everyday. Crossing my fingers that everything will continue to go smoothly!

Also, I am happy to announce that I have recently been hired as a Writing Studio Tutor at my college! I am thankful and honored that my professor saw the potential in me to help others out academically - it was her referral that helped me get this wonderful position. It also so happens that I am assigned to do special reading for my tutoring position - as a part of my training - so I guess you can say that the "learning" part and receiving assigned homework has, yet to end with me for Winter Break.

x, Kayla

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